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Economics Computer Labs Renovations

Economics Computer Labs Renovations

31 Supporters
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Your gift makes an impact on our Economics students!

The computer lab renovations will support better preparing our students for jobs in economic data analysis and policy evaluation through offering courses in data science, statistical programming, behavioral economics, and experimental economics that would be of interest to economics and non-economics students but require up-to-date facilities. The renovation of the computer labs will create a better learning environment to support student success by providing access to a space that promotes active engagement, fosters collaborative opportunities, and contributes to building stronger peer-to-peer relationships and peer-to-faculty interactions.

These computer lab renovations will allow the Department of Economics to accommodate the needs of existing students by creating a functional, modern, and ergonomically appropriate space. For example, the current computer lab spaces feature non-ADA-compliant furniture (desks, chairs) with a layout that hinders the participation of students with mobility concerns.

These renovations will also support the recruitment and retention efforts of the department by creating a cohesive, functional space for the students by showcasing our facilities to prospective students. For instance, your support will allow the department to continue renovations to its main spaces, following renovations in its main office suite and its multipurpose Economics Learning Center spaces, renovations that were possible due to the general contributions of our alums over the years. 

Thank you for giving to the Department of Economics!

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Thanks To Our Recent Donors!

  • - $500.0

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  • - $1000.0

  • - $100.0

  • - $100.0

  • - $100.0

  • - $25.0